Dates in parentheses are documentation dates supporting the Executive Board ruling.
A suggested agenda of business at annual conventions of the Association follows: (original)
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the standard rules of order of the Association, and of the Executive Committee, and the President shall decide all points of order in conformity thereto. (original)
Records of the Association and of the Executive Board shall be made available for examination of members upon written request. (original)
A document from the Internal Revenue Service is on file, which states that contributions to ACA are deductible – (7-19-79)
Files for the past two years of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary will be forwarded to their successors. Other files of permanent nature should be forwarded to the Historian – (1-1-87)
The Historian will exercise judgment to archive all records deemed appropriate, including all memos of Executive Board meetings by mail – (1-1-87)
New dues schedule – (01-16-2025)
All memberships must be renewed annually. There will be no digital AND paper memberships. New members will receive only digital copies of Cm. Yearly dues for new memberships are $22.
Current members may switch to a digital membership now and begin paying $22 at their renewal time.
Current members who want to receive paper copies have the option, when renewing, to switch to a digital membership at $22, or renew their paper memberships as follows:
$26 in US, $32 in Canada/Mexico, and $39 overseas.
Renewing members 65+ with 10 years prior membership and full-time students receive a $5 discount on all subscription prices.
Membership to individuals in correctional institutions will be denied in conformity with the rules of these institutions prohibiting such material. (7-3-95).
Treasurer: An interim Treasurer’s Report is not required – (7-26-79)
Two terms of office are customary for elected officers – (2-9-79), but elections will be held on an annual basis – (3-27-94)
Granting of honoraria is limited to special circumstances. Normal expenses incurred by officers and staff will be reimbursed as such – (8-25-90)
A complimentary Cm subscription has been established for the George C. Lamb memorial library at Kent State University Libraries, and will be maintained indefinitely. – (8-25-90)
The ACA Library at KSU is a repository for the initial ACA Memorial Library in the memory of DAMON (George C. Lamb) and is not intended as an all-encompassing cryptographic anthology. Members may donate other books to the collection. (1-20-91)
Current Committees of the Association are:
The Editor/Publisher is responsible for automatically assigning the DAMON Award to the top published contributor of cons; previous winners are ineligible for a five year period. – (1-2-91) A one year complimentary membership accompanies this award. – (2-18-2018)
The CHERRY BLOSSOM Award (CBA) will be considered annually and awarded only when merited. It will be awarded to a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the ACA and Cryptology. Nominations may be made by any member in good standing. It is presented by the President, preferably at the convention.
An appropriate fee may be assessed attendees of the annual Convention. – (11-1-94) (4-18-95)(8-13-2007)
Formal guidelines will be maintained and forwarded to the succeeding Convention host.
The Cryptogram will continue to be maintained at the approximate 6×9 size – (6-5-91)
The Cryptogram is expanded to 32 pages, as justified by available articles and material – (8-28-88)
A digital membership allows a PDF of The Cryptogram to be emailed to members. – (1-16-2025)
The ACA and You can be downloaded from the website in a searchable portable document format (PDF). – (8-25-2013).
Price of the Computer Supplement is increased to $2.50. Subscriptions will be handled by the Editor of the Computer Supplement, not by the Treasurer as part of the regular association business – (8-28-88)
The Directory will contain telephone numbers of only those members who specifically approve publication of them – (1-2-91)
The Cryptogram and Computer Supplement will remain as separate entities and will not be merged – (6-10-91)
The Editor, using the ACA and You as a guide (p. 17), will hold original and challenge ciphers to a minimum – (11-20-91)
Single-use permission, with proper credit given to the ACA/author, may be granted to nonprofit groups for use of ACA material. Administered in writing by the Editor/Publisher – (1-18-93)
Supplements to ACA and You will not be issued in deference to updated editions when supplies are depleted – (10-16-93)
Advertisements will not be accepted, and will not be permitted in The Cryptogram. – (7-10-90)
Submitters of materials for publication, including, but not limited to, articles, constructions, photographs, and illustrations are considered to be doing so for the privilege of being published and for the educational value to the readership and advancement of the science of cryptology, without expectation of compensation. Materials submitted are the sole property of the Association. The author, by the act of submitting, waives any rights in the publication of the material, or its republication in any form, including electronic, audio, optical, or any other form including those not known or in existence at the time of submission. Submitters who are not the sole and original authors of the work submitted shall alert the editor to whom it is submitted of that fact, identify the author, or additional authors, and give proper attribution in the text of, or notes or captions to, the material. Submitters of such works shall provide to the editor sufficient guarantees that they have obtained copyright ownership or permission to print or reprint the material, and that the author has waived any rights to republication in other formats; alternatively, a submitter shall alert the editor that such rights have not been obtained so that the editor may obtain them. Submissions without attribution to others shall be considered to be represented by the submitter to be his or her own original work and made with acceptance of all provisions of this Article. It is the responsibility of both the submitter and Editor of published work to ensure that any material accompanying the main body of a submission, such as an illustration or photograph, meet the same requirements of authorship, attribution, or transfer or waiver of right, as the main body of work. – (8- 12-2001)
Official sanction for Internet operations or any other network activities to be withheld. ACA support of Bulletin Boards and other activities on electronic networks will be passive. – (7-3-94) (repealed 8-27-2000)
Additions, alterations and amendments to these bylaws may be made from time to time in accordance with decisions of the Executive Board and/or by balloting of the membership. – (original)